Scribblenauts Wiki

Vegetation in Scribblenauts consists of a large number of tree and flower types.



  • Many species of trees provide shade (potential answer to Puzzle 1-5)
  • Beavers, woodpeckers and termites eat many species of trees
  • Lumberjacks chop down many species of trees when equipped with an appropriate tool (e.g. axe, chainsaw)
  • Trees can be burnt using an ignition source (e.g. flamethrower)
  • Fruit can be removed from fruit-bearing trees. Another object is usually required to reach the fruit (e.g. cherry picker, flight items)
  • Type 22 trees ("Sapling", "Plant") mature to a full-grown "Tree" when exposed to sunlight
  • Three Merits can be earned by trees: Washington, Botanist, and Lumberjack

Tree Types[]

Over seventy tree objects have been identified in the game. These are divided into 23 types, with each group sharing a common sprite image. Fruit-bearing trees use the same sprite image as regular trees, with two pieces of fruit attached to the tree upon spawning.

Type Appearance Objects Provides shade
(Puzzle 1-5)
Affected by animals Affected by lumberjack Fruit
1 Tree Acorn Tree Yes Yes Yes
Ash tree Yes Yes Yes
Beech Yes Yes Yes
Deciduous tree Yes Yes Yes
Eucalyptus Yes Yes Yes
Gum tree Yes Yes Yes
Linden Yes Yes Yes
Oak Yes Yes Yes
Sycamore Yes Yes Yes
Tree Yes Yes Yes
1a Tree Apple tree Yes Yes Yes 2x apples
Apricot tree Yes Yes Yes 2x apricots
Avocado tree Yes Yes Yes 2x avocados
Chestnut tree Yes Yes Yes 2x chestnuts
Guava tree Yes Yes Yes 2x guavas
Hackberry tree Yes Yes Yes 2x berries
Hickory tree Yes Yes Yes 2x acorns
Lemon tree Yes Yes Yes 2x lemons
Lime tree Yes Yes Yes 2x limes
Mango tree Yes Yes Yes 2x mangos
Mulberry tree Yes Yes Yes 2x berries
Olive tree Yes Yes Yes 2x olives
Orange tree Yes Yes Yes 2x oranges
Pecan tree Yes Yes Yes 2x pecans
Pear tree Yes Yes Yes 2x pears
Plum tree Yes Yes Yes 2x plums
Wallnut tree Yes Yes Yes 2x wallnuts
2 Pine Chrismas tree Yes Yes Yes
Conifer Yes Yes Yes
Evergreen Yes Yes Yes
Fir Yes Yes Yes
Pine Yes Yes Yes
Spruce Yes Yes Yes
3 Elm Elm Yes Yes Yes
Poplar Yes Yes Yes
Redwood Yes Yes Yes
Sequoia Yes Yes Yes
Woodlands Yes Yes Yes
4 Cedar Cedar Yes Yes Yes
Cypress Yes Yes Yes
5 Palm Acai Palm Yes Yes Yes
Palm tree Yes Yes Yes
5a Banana tree Yes Yes Yes 2x bananas
Coconut tree Yes Yes Yes 2x coconuts
6 Orchard Orchard Yes Yes Yes
6a Almond tree Yes Yes Yes 2x almonds
Cherry tree Yes Yes Yes 2x cherries
7 Yew Yew Yes Yes Yes
7a Cashew tree Yes Yes Yes 2x cashews
8 Baobob Baobab Yes Yes Yes
Boab tree Yes Yes Yes
Bottle tree Yes Yes Yes
9 Willow Willow Yes Yes Yes
10 Acacia Acacia Yes Yes Yes
11 Birch Birch Yes Yes Yes
12 Wattle Wattle Yes Yes Yes
13 Maple Maple Yes Yes Yes
14 Dogwood Arrowwood Yes Yes Yes
Dogwood Yes Yes Yes
15 Mangrove Mangrove Yes Yes Yes
16 Cactus Cactus No No No
17 Bamboo Bamboo Yes Yes No
18 Bonsai Bonsai Yes Yes No
19 Sumac Sumac Yes Yes No
20 Shrub Azolla No No No
Bush No No No
Bushes No No No
Holly No No No
Magnolia No No No
Shrub No No No
Shrubbery No No No
Shrubs No No No
21 Hedge Arborvitae No No No
Hedge No No No
22 Sapling Plant (plant) N/A Yes No
Sapling N/A Yes No
23 Forest Forest No Yes No

